
Nominating Colleagues to Serve

The nominations process is now open for the following positions:

Board of Trustees

  • 3 nationally elected members for the term November 2025–October 2029
  • 1 nationally elected member for the term November 2025-October 2026 
  • 1 member elected by the Middle States Regional Assembly for the term November 2025–October 2030
  • 1 member elected by the New England Regional Assembly for the term November 2025-October 2029
  • 1 member elected by the South Regional Assembly for the term November 2025-October 2029

Academic Assembly Council

  • 1 Chair-Elect for the term November 2025-October 2027
  • 1 member elected by the West Regional Assembly for the term November 2025-October 2028

CSS/Financial Assistance Assembly Council

  • 1 Chair-Elect for the term November 2025-October 2027
  • 4 nationally elected members for the term November 2025–October 2028
  • 1 member elected by the Middle States Regional Assembly for the term November 2025–October 2026
  • 1 member elected by the New England Regional Assembly for the term November 2025–October 2028
  • 1 member elected by the South Regional Assembly for the term November 2025-October 2028

Counseling and Admission Assembly Council

  • 1 Chair-Elect for the term November 2025-October 2027
  • 2 nationally elected members for the term November 2025–October 2028

CSS/Financial Assistance National Nominating Committee

  • 1 member elected by the Midwest Regional Assembly for the term November 2025–October 2027
  • 1 member elected by the Southwest Regional Assembly for the term November 2025–October 2027

How to Submit a Nomination

To nominate a colleague or yourself, please complete the Nominations form. You’ll be asked for candidate information, a résumé, a short bio, and a statement indicating why this individual is suitable for the position.


Although candidates generally don’t need to be employed by a member institution of the College Board, the nominating committees typically look for candidates who are familiar with College Board programs and services, and the governance structure.

Time Commitment

Board of Trustees

The nationally and regionally elected members to the Board of Trustees typically serve four-year terms. The Board of Trustees meets four times a year for approximately two days. Trustees are also expected to attend the College Board Forum. In addition, regionally elected Trustees are responsible for participating in their Regional Council meetings.

Throughout the year, Trustees support and represent the College Board and engage with our broader membership.

National Councils

The chair-elect serves a two-year term and subsequent two-year terms as chair and past chair.

The nationally and regionally elected members to the National Councils serve three-year terms. Each council meets twice a year for approximately two days.

The nationally and regionally elected members are encouraged to attend the College Board Forum. In addition, regionally elected members are responsible for participating in their Regional Council meetings.

CSS/Financial Assistance Assembly National Nominating Committee

The regionally elected members to the CSS/Financial Assistance Assembly National Nominating Committee serve two-year terms. The committee may convene virtually once a year to review nominees for nationally elected positions to the CSS/Financial Assistance Assembly Council. During this meeting, they will determine the candidate slate for the national ballot, which is based on the council’s recruitment priorities.


Do I have to be employed by a member institution of the College Board to be eligible for nomination?

Although candidates don’t need to be employed by a member institution of the College Board, the nominating committees typically look for candidates familiar with College Board programs and services, and the governance structure. For regionally elected positions, the nominee’s professional activity should take place in the respective geographical region. If you are unsure of which region you belong to, please send an email to [email protected]

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Who can nominate me?

Anyone who knows you well. You can also nominate yourself.

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Do I have to submit a letter of recommendation/personal statement?

Yes, as it helps the nominations committee better understand your candidate’s strengths and experience. The nominations committees will contact candidates if more information is needed.

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I nominated myself or someone else before but wasn’t successful. Is it worth submitting again?

Yes. Recruitment priorities change each year, based on the composition of each governance body.

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What are the benefits of serving?

Trustees and council members describe their College Board governance service as one of the most rewarding and enriching professional experiences they have had. It gives you an opportunity to join a diverse and impressive community of education professionals who support the College Board’s mission to clear a path for all students to own their future.

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Nominate Yourself or a Colleague